Music for Everyone
Music is a one-of-a-kind language of communication and self-expression. While deeply personal, it continues to cross national, linguistic, age, and personal boundaries.
Every student, regardless of age, background or apparent ability has creative elements that can be developed into his or her unique means of expression and communication.
Suzuki Method
More than fifty years ago, Japanese violinist Shinichi Suzuki realized the implications of the fact that children the world over learn to speak their native language with ease. He began to apply the basic principles of language acquisition to the learning of music, and called his method the "mother-tongue approach." The ideas of parent responsibility, loving encouragement, constant repetition, etc., are some of the special features of the Suzuki approach.
Listening to music should begin at birth; formal training may begin at age three or four, but it is never too late to begin. As with language, the child’s effort to learn an instrument should be met with sincere praise and encouragement. Each child learns at his/her own rate, building on small steps so that each one can be mastered. Children are also encouraged to support each other’s efforts, fostering an attitude of generosity and cooperation.
Learning in Community
Our students represent a wide range of diversity. We love learning with and from each other and sharing that with our community whether that's in Hudson county, or virtually across the world!
Seasonal community concerts, daily practice coaching and summer day camps are some of our favorite ways to learn together.